Dawn Fisher Chou, Kate Taylor, April Vokey, Adrienne Comeau and Hannah Belford
Boys beware, there are some badass women out there with some game. Over the years I have become friends with a few gals that have some serious skills with the fly rod. On my recent trip to the Skagit and Sauk Rivers, they kicked the boys butts hooking and landing more fish then any of the guys.
I had the pleasure of tailing this buck for Hannah Belford on the Skagit River. Hannah is the Co-owner and head guide for
Damdochax River Lodge. On her spare time she runs
Flyfishergirl.com, a site for women fly fishers. Did I mention she caught her first steelhead at only five years old?
Kate Taylor is a guide in Bristol Bay. She is an energetic fishing bum that I have known for years. She runs the
Rogue Angles website. Adrienne Comeau and April Vokey are guides for salmon, steelhead and sturgeon in the Fraser Valley in British Columbia. Together they help promote women fishing in this male dominant sport and help to show a woman's perspective in BC. Adrienne even runs a blog called the
Female Angle. Together these gals play an integral part in the promotion of females into the sport of fly fishing and help to prove that that women can not only do it, but they can sometimes do it better.