Small flies really do work for hatchery fish, though most of them are smolts.
Don’t be a cellhole and answer the phone while fishing, you loose fish that way. (2 to be exact)
Mad Dog 20/20 and a half case of Natty Light isn’t a good idea when fishing the Sauk and Skagit.
The ladies really do got fishing karma.
Skaters work and it is more about their movement then their color.
Five weights really shouldn’t be used for steelhead.
Light-wire hooks are springs.
More steelhead get tangled in Columbia River Commercial fishing nets then they let you know about.
Leaves aren’t the best option for cleaning the dookie off you arse. Thank god for receipts and polyleader packages.
Catching steelhead with the sun on the water happens even with a dry line and no shade.
Fall chinook will take a fly presented on a dry line.
Going back to the old spots you stopped fishing really pay off.
The Skagit really is one of the most beautiful places to swing a fly on this earth.
Sometimes road kill really does fill drawers on the tying table.
There are way too many trout fishermen out there playing like they are steelheaders.
There really are a few natives left and a lot more cutthroat then you think in the local rivers.
Bring more then three pounds of bacon on a week long fishing trip.
The old timers really are full of shit, though they know what they are talking about.
Shit happens when you least expect it when you are drifting.
Rainier Beer really is better then PBR and Natural Ice is for a lack of better words, the shit. Always keep an extra half rack in the boat.
Alcoholism sucks
Checking out those places you put on you list years ago really can pay off.
You can catch fish on the D with a foot of visibility.
Apparently catching 55 steelhead on your 55th birthdays does happen for some Jedi’s. Damn Steve!
Cardboard boxes make great coolers.
Wakers can out fish tips on cold days and hatchery fish do like them.
Switch rods really are great fishing tools in low water scenarios for both swinging and nymphing.
Be careful about posting pictures on the internet because someone on the river may actually recognize you.
Most of the Kalama hatchery summer runs are actually brood stock. (fucking horseshit)
Don’t be stubborn and beat the same river over and over again. Especially when you know that other river is fishing well.
Hardy Reels sure sound swell with a nice fish on.
Six weight Echo switch rods will catch chrome chinook.
When you get hurt on the river and know you should stop fishing, continuing to fish for the rest of the day isn’t always a good option.
Don’t carry your buddies bottle of Jamison’s while fishing. Good thing glass is biodegradable.
When all else fails, go back to your instincts.
Comedy with the boys out on the river out plays how many fish caught .
Although your soul and drive may be found on the river, your heart is always at home with the family, thus you need to be there more often. I must be getting gold.